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<On-chip Laser for Ubiquitous Sensing>

 Mid-infrared (mid-IR) wavelength region (2 – 20μm) is so-called “molecular fingerprint region” where vibration energies of molecules lied. By analyzing the absorption spectrum of mid-infrared region, one can extract information on existence, spatial distribution, and structure of the molecules. Therefore, the information can be used for chem/bio analysis such as breath analysis, cancer diagnosis, gas sensing, and pollution monitoring. In our group, we are developing nanophotonic mid-IR lasers for high-performance and portable spectroscopy on chip.

S. Han, D. -G. Kim, J. Hwang, I. H. Do, D. Jeong, Y. -H. Lee, D. -Y. Choi, and H. Lee, “Brillouin lasers based on 11 million-Q on-chip chalcogenide resonators without direct etch process,” International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 2019, IEEE.S. Han, D. -G. Kim, J. Hwang, I. H. Do, D. Jeong, Y. -H. Lee, D. -Y. Choi, and H. Lee, “On-chip stimulated Brillouin lasers based on chalcogenide glass resonators with 10 million Q-factor,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 2019, OSA, paper SM4O.2.

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